DOORWOOD door factory

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Radius door on hidden loops

radius door of ash rounded box

We, as door manufacturers, are constantly faced with the most unusual tasks. But here is a radius of the inter-room door under the ceiling, to do not yet. The door is 2 m 85 cm high. And at the same time it is radius, as well as preserve all the structural features of our doors - it is a rounded profile of the door box with grooves for the cashier and seal. Hidden fittings have been installed that is hidden loops and a magnetic lock. In general, everything is in beauty, all on feng-shu as they say. ;)

There were difficulties when installing and of course. And where without them. After all, our builders can not make so that the thickness of the wall in the aperif was the same in all height. And this is the case when the advantages of the "telescopic" cashier, which is inserted into the groove, is especially relevant. But we coped without much trouble. The time spent on installation - just no more than three hours.

radius door boxdoors of ash with cashier

door top with an inter-room lockFace view of the radius doorwp image 899712369hidden loops on radius doorswp image 2013970359









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DoorWooD is a brand that cherishes its name.

In general, if you are looking for a responsible supplier of inter-room doors then you - to us. We are not afraid of any difficulties or unusual situations. And most importantly, we guarantee quality and are responsible for the whole process, from measurement to installation, and not just to sell you doors from the store.

Our customer gets the best combination of price and quality! And to order doors, even such complex configurations as a radius door on hidden loops we have - very simple. You can use any of the messengers you love. And our managers are always in touch online and by phone to advise you and calculate the order. Just click on the link and write.

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