Not many can offer you what DoorWooD has to offer™ THIS - RADIUS doors, inter-room, wooden, swinging, EXPLICIT in the plane of the inter-room doors. The variety of non-standard design solutions is often limited to door manufacturers. But not in our case. Here you can order for your house or apartment doors of any configuration, including radius. At the same time, the design and shape of the box, cashier, appearance and model of the door, will be identical to the usual swinging doors, and the entire order will be made in the same style.
Looking through the photo album of radius doors, I think you noticed that as well as on flat doors, and on radius, the box has a telescopic design, (more on this can be read on the technology page of our site and see how our doors look inside, in the cut) the creator of the box has a rounding, the cutting of the box is carried out under 45 degrees, a pre-bar is installed, (or another name - a box extender) on any thickness of the wall. As well as the cash is installed in the groove, including the radius of the cash. It also has a G-shaped shape.
We offer our customers only the best! Only the best material for the manufacture of inter-room doors - an array of hardwood ash, oak and maple. And the choice of this material gives an advantage not only from an environmental and aesthetic point of view, but also natural wood gives unlimited opportunities for making doors of any configuration, including: radius doors, bent doors, sliding systems, arched doors, openings and inter-room partitions, etc.
Our customer gets the best combination of price and quality! And to order doors from us - very easy. You can use any of the messengers you love. Our managers are always in touch to advise you and calculate the order. Just click on the link and write.
And here's a clear example of solving the non-standard situation on the video below - a radius door and also four shutters! Look, there are veneered and wooden doors made by us and compare. Everything is very clear. Now you understand why we say - do not go to Italy, Italian doors we will make you here in Ukraine!
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