DOORWOOD door factory

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Complex order Door arch windows inter-room partition

Here is a photo report about a complex order consisting of such elements: doors, arches, windows, inter-room partition and skirting board. This is all in order to report on the work done and to tell more about the benefits that the customer gets ordering our products. One of the important advantages is the ability to comprehensively manufacture not only doors, but also many accompanying and very important elements of the interior. And these are the inter-room partitions and false boxes. Arches and skirting boards in color and beyond. Next on the examples offered in the photo below in the description details.

Arched aper, wooden arch, ash arch, doorwood kharkiv

The arch frames the entrance to the kitchen. The arched part of the false coat looks like it's bent. The rounded end of the box, additionally lends the entire design aesthetics. In general, it's expensive to look at! ;)

Ash doors, inter-room doors, openings, arched openings, wooden arch, ash arch, arched windows, kharkiv, doorwood

A general view from the side of the corridor. Here you can clearly see all the elemens and doors and plinths and openings and arches in the niches.

Door arch windows inter-room partition

Inter-room doors and archs in niches in the wall. Notice the far door. It's in a deep aperif. The wall is 450mm thick. But this is not a problem for us at all. We can make the tills of the wall. Even if it is a wall that is thick, much more than half a meter. In addition, it also looks spectacular. The door box, together with the co-op and the cashier, gathers as a designer - in grooves. "Complex order - door arch window inter-room partition."

Door arch windows inter-room partition

Arched apervery and windows - a beautiful inter-room partition. All this design was made by the designer's idea, and masterfully executed by us. Note the photo - a wooden from the ash threshold delineating the room, visually zoning the space. The plinth all over the apartment is made in color with doors. "Complex order - door arch windows inter-room partitions."

door arch windows inter-room partitions

The inter-room door. Made of ash. A door cloth with an influx. The loops are Italian, adjustable OTLAV. The palatre telescopic, has a "G"-shaped shape and is inserted into the groove on the box. And it should be noted, as you can see, skirting board, it is also made of ash and painted in color with doors. Fixing the plinth: it is attached by self-cutters into the wall, in the groove on the skirting board. The groove is closed with a slat, so we have a hidden fastener on the plinth. The benefits of a comprehensive order - door arch windows inter-room partitions - all this from a single supplier.

Door arch windows inter-room partition

The plinth is a wooden ash tree with a rake in the groove that closes the fastener. I attach a photo from another order. In this photo it is the skirting board is photographed in large. "Complex order - door arch window inter-room partition."

Our customer gets the best combination of price and quality! It is very easy to order doors from us.

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