DOORWOOD door factory

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Problems with the door salon?
Maybe it's better to order DoorWooD doors?

Our customer's experience with the door salon and why he came back to us to order our doors. Choice of door handles - MVM, AGB, CEMOM door fittings

Order DoorDoorWooD

Why did the customer come back to order DoorWooD doors?

Here we go again! But we said we warned! what's best to order DoorWooD doors ;) At the end of the day, there's a rewarding experience.... and the result -- still he came back to us to order doorwood doors! )))

The whole story in order

So, the story of one customer who addressed us with a question how much it would cost to make such a door, as he saw in one salon doors. The doors are good from an array of ash, with patinated paint, curly cash and cornice. The price of the store is stated 18 thousand hryvnias, with something. The customer came to us at the production all looked to find out our cost that it is a thousand UAH. less, well, I decided to order what you saw because I liked it. But not so it turned out to be simple and the price of 18,000 was far from final. Gradually, it is not clear where new and new unexpected mark-ups for unexpected expenses came from. It turned out that 18,000 is without a patina without a cornice. And what is written on the display case with reality has nothing to do with it. And now attention, the final price for the customer - 24,000!!! The #дверь of the #ясеня on standard sizes!!!

Marketing move

But the most unpleasant thing about it for the customer was that he encountered such an attitude, which he was inclined to perceive as unscrupulous, or even a deception, which by marketing move, can not be called.
In short, the customer has returned to us. And now we're going to make that exactly the door. And you do not forget and subscribe to our social networks, soon We will post photos, here is this door in our performance.


And here is the continuation of fasting and the continuation of the story. With the customer in the process of making doors met, claimed samples of decorative elements - a staple "lining", agreed on the intensity of the patina application, the shape of the cashier and as a result - the exact correspondence of the copy to the original and "even a little better"! The customer was satisfied with the extraordinary, and after the doors wanted to order from us and a ladder.

MVM, AGB and CEMOM door fittings

door fittings mvm

door fittings mvm

We agreed with the customer and listening to our advice, he chose a good quality hardware for his doors. In particular, it was the door fittings MVM - door handles, a quality Italian silent lock with a plastic AGB latch, and hidden loops. We advise you to install such fittings for our customers. In addition, you can certainly just buy yourself such hardware in our online store.

How do I order DoorWooD doors?

Our customer gets the best combination of price and quality! And ordering doorwood is easy. You can use any of the messengers you love. Our managers are always in touch to advise you and calculate the order. Just click on the link and write.

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